Todd Grooms

I get to do one of my favorite things today down in San Jose: talk to people. Looking forward to meeting people at the conference.

One of the mild annoyances of being out on the west coast for trips: missing out on live sports that take place back east. Currently watching Louisville/Vanderbilt baseball replay on ESPN U.

And now Psych? What!? You know that’s right.

When you’re sick and you feel like death, but there is a Monk marathon on TV: it’s all going to be okay.

Shingles update: a week later and I’m still quite itchy. The worst of it seems to be over. I hope the road to recovery is quick.

If you need me, I’ll be taking a nice apple cinnamon oatmeal bath. 👌🏻

I think someone forgot to tell Nick Foles that he wasn’t supposed to be as good as Carson Wentz.

Me, at the end of my summary to Max on why we have Martin Luther King Jr day off from work and school: “Martin Luther King Jr wanted to ensure that everyone is treated equally and we take this day to remember what he did and what is still left to do. We should always treat people fair and with respect. Do you think you can treat all of your friends with kindness and respect?”

Max: “Yeah and I like to stomp my feet.”

Good talk.

Last week, Ashley found the back of the Land Rover had been egged. My guess is that it was probably perpetrated by some bored high school students. However, Ashley thinks it may have been in response to the Maple Leafs flag that hangs next to our garage. Either way, as far as I can tell we have done nothing to warrant this. I finished cleaning off the remnants today.

At the suggestion of my wife, I started reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I’m about a third of my way through it and it’s a very enjoyable read.

🎧 I can feel this narcolepsy slide…

I think a future hobby I might get into will be posting random pictures of Macho Man Randy Savage on a new tumblr site.


For silly reasons, I moved this site to be a Github Pages site. At first, I thought I would enjoy the git commit/push dance with writing posts. The novelty of this has worn off over time. I’m now in the process of writing a simple Swift CLI to post to my site. This CLI takes in a file, creates the file in my repo, then uploads the data associated with that file. It’s an interesting way of using up my idle time to reinvent the wheel.

The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.

— Oscar Wilde

And you may ask yourself, Well… How did I get here?

A picture is worth a thousand tweets via @davewiner. I love this image.

Testing a microblog post workflow. 🚀

My son’s daycare has an Anakin Skywalker figurine missing his right hand. ✋🏻

Tommy Boy

Floating point equality is hard when you don’t think about it.

Friday nights are for movies and pizza. 🍕

I’m now attempting to alter the Python script to prefix the posts with the proper yaml metadata. 🐍

This is a test! Just a trial balloon. 🎈

I’m kind of infatuated with The idea of “micro” blogging is right up my alley (with my limited time and attention to a full fledged site). So much so, that I’m not starting a new feed for these types of posts.